








CEO & Co-Founder
This is Anna. The Mastermind and initiator behind Sphery. With her background in sports science (TU Darmstadt) and many years of experience as a Senior Researcher in Game Design (Zurich University of the Arts), she set the basis and shaped the research-based and iterative co-design process of Sphery's ExerCube. Anna's visionary mindset and her keen sense of R&D trends enable Sphery to stay one step ahead and grow sustainably over time. For Anna, no goal is too high to attack.CFO & Co-Founder
This is Stephan. Some call him the Business Octopus. He seems to have eight limbs because he manages to keep track of everything that happens in, outside or around Sphery. Phoning with three people at once while he replies to his E-Mails and checks the bank account happens regularly. No joke. Without him, Sphery would probably be a creative mess.CBDO & Co-Founder
This is Dave. Fitness rocket, personal trainer, network king – What a machine! He knows every single detail about the human body since he studied movement science at ETH Zurich. Dave makes sure that all Sphery training concepts offer you a great and maximum effective training experience. And pssst… Did you know that the avatars in the ExerCube all have Dave’s movements?Game & Experience Designer
This is Yannic. 100% creative – 100% techy! He comes up with creative ideas and brings them to life. Whether graphic design or game design... What he does seems like magic from the outside. Yannic is capable of creating or fixing everything that you could imagine.Research & Development Manager
This is Alexandra. She is a movement scientist from ETH Zurich and specializes in researching the interdependencies between the body and brain during physical activity. Alexandra is, therefore, the expert when it comes to holistic physical-cognitive training concepts that have to take several variables and complex interactions into account. She knows the secret ingredients of Sphery's playful and effective training concepts that bring you to the level of Dual Flow.Game & Experience Designer
This is Sonja. She knows what good design looks and feels like. With her magic brush, she makes Sphery stand out. She designed our website and does a lot of our graphic work.Interactive Storyteller
This is Gabriel. He is a professional storyteller who knows everything about cameras, images, and videos. The new dope content that will be uploaded to our channels, as well as the Sphery trailer, are created or curated by him. What do you want to see on our channels in the future? Post it in the comments and he’ll manage to integrate your wishes into future postings.Game & Experience Designer
This is Helen. She is an allrounder who loves to experiment and develop new ideas and prototypes. Through her unique style, she creates experiences and worlds for our sphery universe.Game & Experience Designer and IT factotum
This is David. Designer of games, creator of code, and ruler of all digital realms! Only the most powerful keyboards can withstand his nimble fingers. With his incredible wealth of experience in game design and technology, every project at Sphery is a success.Research & Development Manager
This is Yanick. He adds to the number of namesakes in our team, is a health scientist, and has specialized in the field of movement sciences. After successfully completing his ETH master thesis at Sphery, he immediately wanted to gain his first work experience there as well. As a project manager, he manages various projects and ensures a pleasant working atmosphere with his friendly and open manner.Was wir tun
Das Zürcher FitTech Startup Sphery AG ist spezialisiert auf spielbasierte, personalisierte und multimediale Trainingskonzepte und -technologien, die mit innovativen und einzigartigen Hard- und Softwaredesigns kombiniert werden.
Mit einem forschungsbasierten und partizipativen Entwicklungsansatz trägt Sphery zur körperlichen und geistigen Gesundheit der heutigen «Digital Native» Gesellschaft bei.